


  1. Decomposition into components in order to study (a complex thing, concept, theory etc.).
  2. The result of such a process.
  3. A broad field of study in modern mathematics (often mentioned alongside algebra) which developed out of the calculus, concerned with the behavior of functions, sequences, series, limits, metric spaces, measures and more.
  4. Proof by deduction from known truths.
  5. The process of breaking down a substance into its constituent parts, or the result of this process.
  6. The analytical study of melodies, harmonies, sequences, repetitions, variations, quotations, juxtapositions, and surprises.
  7. Psychoanalysis.

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Pollen   analysis   and   the   remains   of  marsh-plants  indicates   the   local   presence   of   swamps .

Pollenanalyse en de overblijfselen van moerasplanten duiden op de lokale aanwezigheid van moerassen.
