


  1. A fruit of the coconut palm (not a true nut), Cocos nucifera, having a fibrous husk surrounding a large seed.
  2. A hard-shelled seed of this fruit, having white flesh and a fluid-filled central cavity.
  3. The edible white flesh of this fruit.
  4. The coconut palm.
  5. A Hispanic or other dark-skinned person considered to have overly assimilated to white culture, a race traitor.
  6. A black person considered to have overly assimilated to white culture, a black race traitor.
  7. A Pacific islander.
  8. (slang) A female breast.
  9. (slang) The human head.

Uitgesproken als (IPA)

From coco + nut. In reference to assimilated Hispanic or Black people, derived from the fruit's exotic origins and the slur that they are "brown on the outside, white on the inside". In reference to Polynesians, from the ubiquity of coconut palms in the area.

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