


  1. inflection of arbeiten: ## third-person singular present ## second-person plural present ## plural imperative ## second-person plural subjunctive I
  2. inflection of arbeiten: ## third-person singular present ## second-person plural present ## plural imperative ## second-person plural subjunctive I
  3. inflection of arbeiten: ## third-person singular present ## second-person plural present ## plural imperative ## second-person plural subjunctive I
  4. inflection of arbeiten: ## third-person singular present ## second-person plural present ## plural imperative ## second-person plural subjunctive I


  1. to work (to do a specific task by employing physical or mental powers) [+ an (dative)]
  2. to work, function, run, operate (to be operative, in action)
  3. to ferment (to react, using fermentation)
  4. to work, execute (to set into action)
  5. to make, produce (to create)
  6. to do, perform (to carry out or execute, especially something involving work)
  7. to work oneself (to) (to make oneself (a certain state) by working)
  8. to work one's way (to attain through work, by gradual degrees)
  9. to work (translated by rephrasing to use a general “you” or with the gerund, “working”) (to do a specific task by employing physical or mental powers)


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