


plural of pé

♂️ Mannelijk
Uitgesproken als (IPA)

  1. foot, part of the human body
  2. foot, part of the body of some terrestrial animals
  3. foot (lower part of a slope)
  4. foot (the bottom of a page)
  5. footing
  6. leg (rod-like protrusion from an inanimate object)
  7. riser (the vertical part of a step on a staircase)
  8. Portuguese foot, a former unit of length equivalent to about 33.6 cm
  9. English or American foot
  10. plant, -stalk; tree


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Caminhava   nas   pontas   dos   pés   para   não
  acordar   a
 parenta,  que   dormia   perto .

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