


  1. creates a subordinate clause expressing desire or wish; to, so that, for that, in order to [+past tense]
  2. creates a subordinate clause in which the speaker believes the following event would be good; to, that, had better, may [+past tense]
  3. creates a subordinate clause expressing aim or purpose, one's goal; to, so that, for that, in order to [+infinitive]
  4. creates a subordinate clause expressing expressing means by which something is achieved; to, so that, for that, in order to [+past tense] or [+infinitive]
  5. creates a subordinate clause in which one states the possibility of something depends on something else; to, so that, for that, in order to [+infinitive]
  6. creates a subordinate clause expressing the speaker's position on the truthfulness of a given situation [+past tense] [+past tense], [+present tense] or [+infinitive]
  7. (colloquial) creates a subordinate clause emphasizing that the speaker thinks the contents of their statement are apt [+past tense], [+present tense] or [+infinitive]
  8. creates a subordinate clause expressing doubt; that, if [+past tense]
  9. creates a subordinate clause expressing the speakers doubt with relation to the goodness of a given event; roughly, to think that [+past tense] or [+infinitive]
  10. (colloquial) creates a subordinate clause that expresses a lack of results; for the sake of [+infinitive]
  11. creates a subordinate clause in which the speaker thinks something else should be reality rather than what truly is; so that, may; if only [+past tense]
  12. introduces a subordinate clause relating a following event with a previous one that is not caused by the first event; just to, only to [+infinitive]
  13. (colloquial) introduces a second action co-occurring with another; to [+past tense]
  14. (colloquial) creates a subordinate clause expressing consequences; or else [+past tense]

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Pamięć  ulatuje  i
  ludziom   chyba nie   zależy żeby   pamiętać .

Geheugen ontsnapt en mensen geven er waarschijnlijk niet om te onthouden.

Myślałam żeby   pisać
  opracować   w formie  pisemnej relacje  tych   osób .

Ik dacht te schrijven en te ontwikkelen bij het schrijven van de relatie van deze mensen.

Długo  radzili,  co   czynić żeby   się   jak   najbezpieczniej   o
  wszystkim   przekonać .

Ze hebben lang geadviseerd wat ze moesten doen om zichzelf zo veilig mogelijk te overtuigen.

"Niepodobieństwo,  żeby   pana  osądzono,  nie  zbadawszy  stanu  pańskiego  ducha ."

"De onmogelijkheid dat u zou worden beoordeeld zonder de staat van uw geest te onderzoeken."
