


  1. a large number of hamlets and villages throughout Galicia
  2. A parish of Culleredo, A Coruña, Galicia
  3. A parish of Trazo, A Coruña, Galicia
  4. A parish of Cervo, Lugo, Galicia
  5. A parish of Taboada, Lugo, Galicia
  6. Castelo de Pallares (a parish of Guntín, Lugo, Galicia)
  7. Castelo de Rei (a parish of Outeiro de Rei, Lugo, Galicia)
  8. A parish of Cervantes, Lugo, Galicia
  9. Castelo de Somoza (a parish of O Incio, Lugo, Galicia)
  10. Castelo dos Infantes (a parish of Sarria, Lugo, Galicia)
  11. a toponymical surname

♂️ Mannelijk
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No   lugar   do   Outeiro   está  situado  o   Castelo   de   Tebra .

Op de plaats van de Outeiro bevindt zich het kasteel van Tebra.
