


  1. The state of being free from physical or psychological disease, illness, or malfunction; wellness.
  2. A state of well-being or balance, often physical but sometimes also mental and social; the overall level of function of an organism from the cellular (micro) level to the social (macro) level.
  3. Physical condition.
  4. (obsolete) Cure, remedy.
  5. A toast to prosperity.
  6. The amount of damage an in-game object can withstand before it is destroyed.

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Oefen het spreken en onthouden van " health " en vele andere woorden en zinnen in Engels .

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School-based  shows performed   by   other   actors include  " Musical   Health
  Show and  " Lighten Up !

School-gebaseerde shows, uitgevoerd door andere acteurs, omvatten "Musical Health Show" en "Lighten Up!
