Woorden en zinnen
- Every individual or anything of the given class, with no exceptions (the noun or noun phrase denoting the class must be plural or uncountable).
- Throughout the whole of (a stated period of time; generally used with units of a day or longer).
- Only; alone; nothing but.
- (obsolete) Any.
plural of song
- Near or next to.
- From one side of something to the other, passing close by; past.
- Not later than (the given time); not later than the end of (the given time interval).
- Indicates the person or thing that does or causes something: Through the action or presence of.
- Indicates the person or thing that does or causes something: Through the action or presence of.
- Indicates the person or thing that does or causes something: Through the action or presence of.
- Indicates the creator of a work: Existing through the authorship etc. of.
- Indicates a means of achieving something: Involving/using the means of.
- Indicates an authority according to which something is done.
- Indicates an authority according to which something is done.
- Indicates a means of classification or organisation.
- Indicates the amount of change, difference or discrepancy
- In the formulae X by X and by Xs, indicates a steady progression, one X after another.
- Acted on in units of the specified size or measure. (Sometimes hyperbolically)
- per; with or in proportion to each.
- Indicates a referenced source: According to.
- Used to separate dimensions when describing the size of something.
- Designates a horse's male parent (sire); cf. out of.
A surname from Italian.
- The quality or state of being young.
- The part of life following childhood; the period of existence preceding maturity or age; the whole early part of life, from childhood, or, sometimes, from infancy, to adulthood.
- A young person.
- A young man; a male adolescent or young adult.
- Young persons, collectively.
- To exclude; to specify as being an exception.
- To take exception, to object (to or against).
- In, at or to which place or situation.
- In, at or to the place (that) or a place (that).
- In, at or to any place (that); wherever; anywhere.
- In a position, case, etc. in which; if.
- While on the contrary; although; whereas.
Well known because of one's reputation; famous, celebrated.