


first/third-person singular conditional of tomar


  1. to take (to get something into one’s possession or control)
  2. to take (to get something into one’s possession or control)
  3. to take (to get something into one’s possession or control)
  4. to take; to receive (to be the victim of an interaction)
  5. to put into practice
  6. to take for; to consider; to regard (to have a certain opinion about someone or something)
  7. to take into the body
  8. to take into the body
  9. to take into the body
  10. to take; to experience, undergo (to put oneself into, to be subjected to)


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" Eu   prometi   que   tomaria   minhas   próprias   decisões ?",  ele   disse   para   si   mesmo .

"Hebben ik beloofd dat ik mijn eigen beslissingen zou nemen?" Zei hij tegen zichzelf.
