


  1. to go in; to walk in, to enter (to go or come on foot into an enclosed or partially enclosed space)
  2. to go on, to climb (to go or come on foot onto the upper part of something or to a higher position)
  3. to go in, to enter (to arrive somewhere by any means of transportation)
  4. to go into (by extending in space, to cross the boundary of something and extend beyond it)
  5. to go in (to fit somewhere; to be the proper size for) [+ w (accusative) = into what], [+ do (genitive) = (in)to what]
  6. to sink in, to go in, to enter (to gradually go deeper into something) [+ w (accusative) = into what]
  7. to enter, to get into (to become a participant of something or engaged in something)
  8. to enter (to begin to exist in a particular state) [+ w (accusative) = (into) what]
  9. to go into, to enter (to become subject to a state, rule or action) [+ do (genitive)], [+ pod (accusative)], or [+ w (accusative) = into what]
  10. to log on (to begin to use some website or software) [+ w (accusative) = what website or software]
  11. to enter (to become part of a larger whole composed of a particular type of person or element) [+ do (genitive)] or [+ w (accusative) = into what]
  12. to enter (to penetrate during sex) [+ w (accusative) = whom]
  13. to enter (to combine with some type of substance to then become part of some chemical process) [+ w (accusative) = into what]
  14. (colloquial) to set in (to start to be felt somewhere)
  15. (colloquial) to nab (to seize someone's material goods) [+ na (accusative) = what]
  16. to get in (to become involved in some kind of venture) [+ w (accusative) = in what]
  17. to go in, to step into (to place one's foot into i.e. a puddle)
  18. to walk into (to bump into or make contact with on foot)
  19. to enter (to conquer or gain some area or territory)
  20. to enter (while moving, to change one's manner of motion)
  21. to get into (to ponder deeply)
  22. to jut into (of objects; to occupy the space of something else)
  23. (obsolete) to come in as income
  24. (obsolete) to sprout (to begin growing from seeds)
  25. (obsolete) to rise (to begin to be seen in the sky)

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