


  1. to serve (to have a given use or purpose; to function for something or to do something) [+dative = whom], [+ do (genitive) = what], [+ jako (nominative)] or [+ za (accusative) = as what]
  2. to serve (to affect someone or something positively) [+dative = whom]
  3. to serve (to be in a good state) [+dative = whom]
  4. to serve (to be ready to help) [+dative = whom], [+instrumental = with what]
  5. to serve (to fulfill some role or act as) [+dative = whom], [+ jako (nominative)] or [+ za (accusative) = as what]
  6. to serve (to focus one's actions to the good of someone or something) [+dative = whom], [+instrumental = with what]
  7. to serve (to be in military service)
  8. to service (to be an assistant doing minor tasks in someone's house or on someone's farm) [+ jako (nominative)] or [+ za (accusative) = as what]
  9. to beg (to stand on its hind legs)
  10. (obsolete) to fall to one's lot

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