


  1. weak (having little physical strength or force)
  2. weak (having little physical strength or force)
  3. weak (not mentally resistant and easily influenceable)
  4. weak (not mentally resistant and easily influenceable)
  5. weak (inable to realize one's goal due to lack of ability; of low influence or authority)
  6. weak (easy to oppose or resist)
  7. weak; poor (inable to manage or deal with something due to a lack of knowledge or skills; ineffective) [+ w (locative)] or [+ z (genitive) = at what]
  8. weak; poor (viewed negatively)
  9. weak (easily destroyed or degraded)
  10. weak (having low power or intensity)
  11. weak (not easily felt; not intense)
  12. weak (having a low density or frequency of something, dilute, i.e. alcohol)
  13. poor (of bad etiquette or ethics)
  14. weak (having a low value)
  15. weak; sickish

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