Woorden en zinnen
a surname from Vietnamese
- problem
- trouble
this, that
contraction of ne + est (third-person singular indicative present form of être)
- step, pace, footstep
- strait, pass
- thread, pitch (of a screw or nut)
en soi
per se, in and of itself, as such
- in (used to indicate space, also see usage notes)
- to (indicates direction towards certain very large locations, see usage notes)
- by (used to indicate means)
- as
- at (used to describe an ability)
- of, made of (used to describe composition)
- in (during the following time (used for months and years))
- while
- by, in (describing a way of getting something)
- in (used to describe color)
- in (used to describe feelings)
- in (as part of something)
- nominative pronoun reinforcing indefinite or very generalized subject; one
- Designating or reinforcing a reflexive (direct) object or the regime of a preposition
- Designating or reinforcing a reflexive (direct) object or the regime of a preposition
- Designating or reinforcing a reflexive (direct) object or the regime of a preposition
- himself, herself, itself