


third-person plural present indicative of retirar


  1. to take away (to remove something and put it in a different place)
  2. to take away (to remove something so that a person no longer has it)
  3. to take away (to subtract or diminish something)
  4. to take away (to make someone leave a place and go somewhere else)
  5. to withdraw (to take away or take back)
  6. to withdraw (to extract money from a bank account)
  7. to withdraw (to draw or pull something aside)
  8. to take back (to retract or withdraw an earlier statement)
  9. to retract (to pull something back or back inside)
  10. to draw out; to extract; to remove
  11. to retreat (to leave a battle or position where they are stationed)
  12. to leave; to go away
  13. to retire
  14. to give up


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