


  1. to constitute, to comprise, to make up; to pose; to present (to be)
  2. to determine (to be a factor that makes a difference) [+ o (locative) = about what]
  3. to determine (to make a decision) [+ o (locative) = about what]
  4. to establish, to constitute, to implement
  5. to be in force (to cause citizens to have to behave a certain way)
  6. to allow male livestock to approach a female for copulation
  7. to stop a fleeing animal allowing the hunter to shoot it
  8. (obsolete) to stop (to cause to stop moving)
  9. (obsolete) to build, to construct
  10. to appoint oneself to a position [+instrumental = what position]
  11. (obsolete) to be established, to be constituted, to be implemented
  12. (obsolete) to stop (to stop moving)
  13. (obsolete) to be built, to constructed

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