


third-person plural preterite indicative of tener

Brūkšnelis kaip
Tariama kaip (IPA)


  1. to have, possess
  2. to have, possess, to be (a condition or quality)
  3. to hold, grasp
  4. to contain, to hold (e.g. to "hold the power to", "hold the key", "hold a clue", "hold the truth", "have a hold on", "hold in store", "hold all the cards", "hold in high regard", etc.)
  5. to have, feel (internally)
  6. to make to feel
  7. to have (a measure or age)
  8. to have to
  9. to get (e.g. to get a minute, to get an idea, to get a chance, to get a concussion/bruise/headache, to get in an accident, to get a place, to get a view of, to get a meeting, to get a vision, etc.)
  10. to keep, to bear (in certain phrases; e.g. to bear in mind, bear a resemblance, keep a journal/diary, keep around something or someone)
  11. to make (in a few select phrases)
  12. to be taken (usually has deber for an auxiliary verb when used)


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