


present participle and gerund of expand


  1. To change (something) from a smaller form or size to a larger one; to spread out or lay open.
  2. To increase the extent, number, volume or scope of (something).
  3. To express (something) at length and/or in detail.
  4. To rewrite (an expression) as a longer, yet equivalent sum of terms.
  5. To become, by rewriting, a longer, yet equivalent sum of terms.
  6. To multiply both the numerator and the denominator of a fraction by the same natural number yielding a fraction of equal value
  7. To change or grow from smaller to larger in form, number, or size.
  8. To increase in extent, number, volume or scope.
  9. To speak or write at length or in detail.
  10. To feel generous or optimistic.


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Tourism   business   is   one   of   the   currently   expanding   activities   in   Monforte .

Turizmo verslas yra viena iš šiuo metu besiplečiančių veiklų „Monforte“.
