


  1. inflection of stellen: ## first/third-person singular preterite ## first/third-person singular subjunctive II
  2. inflection of stellen: ## first/third-person singular preterite ## first/third-person singular subjunctive II


  1. causative of stehen, to put, to place, to position such that it stands upright (compare setzen, legen)
  2. causative of stehen, to put, to place, to position such that it stands upright (compare setzen, legen)
  3. causative of stehen, to put, to place, to position such that it stands upright (compare setzen, legen)
  4. causative of stehen, to put, to place, to position such that it stands upright (compare setzen, legen)
  5. causative of stehen, to put, to place, to position such that it stands upright (compare setzen, legen)
  6. to expose oneself, to succumb, to come out to face, to confront
  7. to feign, to simulate, to pretend


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