


  1. inflection of nennen: ## first-person singular present ## first/third-person singular subjunctive I ## singular imperative
  2. inflection of nennen: ## first-person singular present ## first/third-person singular subjunctive I ## singular imperative
  3. inflection of nennen: ## first-person singular present ## first/third-person singular subjunctive I ## singular imperative


  1. to name (to give a name to)
  2. (transitive, with (accusative when applicable) predicate) to call, to describe as (some name, title or description)
  3. to mention, to make known, to tell, to give (some piece of information)
  4. to say, to speak, to state (a name)
  5. to call out; to give (e.g. some request)
  6. to be called; to be named; to go by some name


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