Žodžiai ir sakiniai
- a bird (animal), especially a small one
- passerine (any bird of the order Passeriformes)
- with; against
- with; alongside; together with (in the company of)
- with (as a part or accessory of)
- with (in support of)
- with; using (by means of)
- with (as a consequence of)
- with; having
- nest (bird-built structure)
- nest (place used by any animal for depositing eggs and hatching young)
- one’s home viewed affectionately
- easy (requiring little skill or effort)
- which is understood at no cost; simple
- who has an affable attitude; accessible
- who collaborates docilely; conciliatory
- that it is comfortable; convenient
- that arises spontaneously
- that shows little reflection; thoughtless; precipitate; frivolous
- shallow; simplistic
- that has little value
- what can happen; possible
- easy (consenting readily to sex)
- of (in relation to)
- of (in relation to)
- of (in relation to)
- of (in relation to)
- of (in relation to)
- of (in relation to)
- of (in relation to)
- of (in relation to)
- of (in relation to)
- of; -en (made or consisting of)
- of; -en (made or consisting of)
- of; -en (made or consisting of)
- of; -en (made or consisting of)
- of (introduces the noun that applies a given adjective or past participle)
- from (born in or coming out of)
- by means of; by
- as (in the role of)
- in (wearing)
- to meet
- to find