


  1. inflection of dormir: ## first/third-person singular present subjunctive ## third-person singular imperative
  2. inflection of dormir: ## first/third-person singular present subjunctive ## third-person singular imperative
  3. inflection of durmir: ## first/third-person singular present subjunctive ## third-person singular imperative
  4. inflection of durmir: ## first/third-person singular present subjunctive ## third-person singular imperative


  1. to sleep; to be asleep (to rest in a state of reduced consciousness)
  2. to fall asleep (to become asleep)
  3. to have a given type of sleep
  4. to sleep (to be temporarily inactive)
  5. to sleep with (to have sex with)
  6. to be constantly with
  7. to be dead
  8. (informal) to fall asleep (to temporarily lose blood circulation)
  9. (Brazil,slang) not to notice a problem


Dest bi hînbûna portugalî bi learnfeliz .

Axaftin û ezberkirina " durma " û gelek peyv û hevokên din di portugalî de pratîk bikin.

Biçe rûpela qursa me ya portugalî
Durma   nesta   rua   à   esquerda   do   saguão olhando   a
  fachada .

Li ser vê kolanê li milê çepê yê lobiyê rûnin, li rûyê rûyê xwe mêze bikin.
