


  1. sign (mark or another symbol used to represent something; clearly visible object, generally flat, bearing a short message in words or pictures)
  2. sign, signal (gesture or look that replaces words and is used to convey some information to someone)
  3. sign (proof or evidence of something)
  4. sign (that which shows that something exists or may happen)
  5. mark (physical mark on the body left by something) [+ na (locative) = on what]
  6. sign, trace (that which shows that something existed or happened)
  7. banner (coat of arms or a banner with a coat of arms)
  8. (obsolete) banner (military basic organizational and tactical unit, approximately equivalent to the current company)
  9. (obsolete) paragraph; chapter; section
  10. (obsolete) tumulus, barrow (mound of earth over a grave)
  11. (obsolete) password
  12. (obsolete) evidence; legitimation (recommendation, issued e.g. through a court to a priest to issue a certificate of interest)
  13. (obsolete) chemical symbol
  14. (obsolete) sign (trait, characteristic)
  15. (obsolete) sign (property of the body that indicates a disease and, unlike a symptom, can be detected objectively by someone other than the patient)
  16. (obsolete) banner, emblem

♂️ Nêr
Wekî (IPA) tê gotin


Dest bi hînbûna polonî bi learnfeliz .

Axaftin û ezberkirina " znak " û gelek peyv û hevokên din di polonî de pratîk bikin.

Biçe rûpela qursa me ya polonî
Skłoniła  głowę   na   znak   zgody .

Wê serê xwe wekî nîşanek peymanê derxist.

Przez   krzyż znak   śmierci   widzę  szczelinę  w
  kości .

Bi xaçê, nîşanek mirinê ez di hestiyan de gopalek dibînim.

Potem   zrobił   w
  ścianie   dziurę  gwoździem  na   znak   tego  zdarzenia.

Dûv re wî di nav dîwêr de bi nîgarek wekî nîşanek vê bûyerê çêkir.

 Podlasiak rozwiódł  dłonie   na   znak   swej  nieodpowiedzialności  za   własną  urodę.

P Podlasiak destên xwe dabeş kirin wekî nîşana bêberpirsiyariya wî ji bo bedewiya xwe.
