- genitive plural of przyjaciel
- accusative plural of przyjaciel
Binavkirî wek
Wekî (IPA) tê gotin
- friend (person, typically someone other than a family member, spouse or lover, whose company one enjoys and towards whom one feels affection)
- friend (animal toward which someone feels similarly)
- friend (person or organization that supports something or has positive emotions towards something)
- lover (man with whom someone has an erotic relationship)
- friend (object or idea that can be used for good)
- term of address towards someone the speaker has positive feelings towards and sees as equal or lower; friend
- (obsolete) spouse
- relative; in-law
Dest bi hînbûna polonî bi learnfeliz .
Axaftin û ezberkirina " przyjaciół "û gelek peyv û hevokên din di polonî de pratîk bikin.
Biçe rûpela qursa me ya polonîHevokên
Dla dwojga przyjaciół wyglądał z bohaterska po zbójecku.
Ji bo du hevalan wî li Zbójecko looked looked.
" Muszą się czuć osamotnieni i pozbawieni przyjaciół ."
"Divê ew ji hevalên xwe re tenêtî û bêpar bimînin."
Bracia ! — zawołał nagle Podlasiak, tkliwym spojrzeniem obdarzając obydwu przyjaciół .
Bira! Podlasiak ji nişka ve gazî kir, her du heval bi awirek dewlemend davêjin.