


  1. genitive singular of stanowisko
  2. nominative plural of stanowisko
  3. accusative plural of stanowisko
  4. vocative plural of stanowisko

Binavkirî wek
Wekî (IPA) tê gotin

  1. stand; site; station (place separated in space for a particular activity)
  2. position (place in the professional, social or political hierarchy)
  3. position (place in the organizational structure of an enterprise or institution, associated with a certain type of prestige)
  4. position, stand, take (someone's opinion)
  5. position (fortified occupied area)
  6. den (place where an animal dwells)
  7. position, hiding (place where a hunter waits while hunting)
  8. (obsolete) pause (rest or stop while travelling)
  9. (obsolete) stable
  10. (obsolete) marketplace for trading cattle
  11. (obsolete) dock (place for ships)
  12. (obsolete) fundamental (line acting as a base)
  13. camping (act of camping)


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