


  1. net (device made from such mesh, used for catching fish, butterflies, etc.) [+ na (accusative) = for what]
  2. spiderweb
  3. network (all people performing the same activity in a given area)
  4. network (set of interconnected roads, transmitters, wires, or conduits used to move or transmit someone or something)
  5. network (business that provides a specific type of signal using interconnected transmitters and cables, i.e. of a telephone)
  6. network (group of facilities or devices in a given area that perform the same function or have the same owner)
  7. network (group of facilities or devices in a given area that perform the same function or have the same owner)
  8. network (group of facilities or devices in a given area that perform the same function or have the same owner)
  9. net, mesh (large number of intersecting grooves or lines on some type of surface)
  10. chain, net (all actions or relationships that are intended to capture someone or gain power over someone)
  11. the Internet
  12. omentum
  13. rete
  14. (obsolete) wedding reception ceremony of stretching a tablecloth over the bride

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