


first-person singular present of siedzieć

Binavkirî wek
Wekî (IPA) tê gotin

  1. to sit (to be positioned on one's buttocks)
  2. to sit (to have one's weight on the buttocks or on one's hind legs)
  3. to sit (to stop flight somewhere)
  4. to sit (to be strongly fastened somewhere; to be positioned)
  5. (colloquial) to hang out (to spend some time somewhere)
  6. (colloquial) to serve time, to be in for (to serve a prison sentence)
  7. (colloquial) to be engaged in something [+ nad (instrumental) = in what]
  8. (colloquial) to distrain (to seize somebody's property in place of, or to force, payment of a debt) [+dative = whose property] [+ na (locative) = what property]
  9. to reside (to take residence somewhere permanently)
  10. (colloquial) to work (to have some position somewhere)
  11. (colloquial) to sit on (to have in one's possession) [+ na (locative) = what]


Dest bi hînbûna polonî bi learnfeliz .

Axaftin û ezberkirina " siedzę " û gelek peyv û hevokên din di polonî de pratîk bikin.

Biçe rûpela qursa me ya polonî
Siedzę   więc   w
  kącie   na   łóżku jak  osaczony  kot

Ji ber vê yekê ez li quncikek li ser nivîn rûnim, mîna pisîkek rûniştî.
