


genitive singular of obraz

Binavkirî wek
♂️ Nêr
Wekî (IPA) tê gotin

  1. image (artistic creation)
  2. image (representation of reality resulting from the reflection or refraction of light rays)
  3. film, movie; banger (feature presentation of images, especially a good one)
  4. image (representation of reality on the screen of an electronic device)
  5. image (observed or remembered situation)
  6. holistic description (thorough explanation of something)
  7. image (sight of someone or something)
  8. image (idea someone has about something, or someone's opinion about something)
  9. scene (part of a theater play, opera or ballet)
  10. image (something mapped to by a function)
  11. image (subset of a codomain comprising those elements that are images of something)
  12. (obsolete) type of tax
  13. (obsolete) figure, form; symbol, sign
  14. (obsolete) impression; glance
  15. example, model
  16. idol (representation of a deity)
  17. representation (creation meant to represent something i.e. on an image)
  18. imagination
  19. reflection (result of copying from an example or model)
  20. equivalent; reference
  21. reflection (image of something on a shiny surface)
  22. shadow (something fleeting)
  23. being; person, character
  24. block (square slab of marble or other expensive stone used for lining walls)
  25. map of the sky (paths in the sky along which the heavenly bodies move)


Dest bi hînbûna polonî bi learnfeliz .

Axaftin û ezberkirina " obrazu " û gelek peyv û hevokên din di polonî de pratîk bikin.

Biçe rûpela qursa me ya polonî
Mówił   dziadek   do   obrazu a
  obraz   doń   ani   razu .

Wî bapîrê xwe bi wêneyê peyivî, û wêne yek carî nîne.
