


genitive singular of grupa

Binavkirî wek
♀️ Mêtî
Wekî (IPA) tê gotin

  1. group (set of things or people in one place)
  2. group (a number of things or persons being in some relation to one another)
  3. group (number of people called together for a particular purpose or for a shared activity)
  4. group (unit within a hierarhchy)
  5. group (units from various sectors of the military placed together)
  6. group (a column in the periodic table of chemical elements)
  7. group (a functional group)
  8. phrase (a word or, more commonly, a group of words that functions as a single unit in the syntax of a sentence, usually consisting of a head, or central word, and elaborating words)
  9. group (a collection of formations or rock strata)
  10. group (a set with an associative binary operation, under which there exists an identity element, and such that each element has an inverse)


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