


infinitive of conocer combined with lo


  1. to know (a person or a place), to be familiar with, to be acquainted with
  2. to meet
  3. to get to know, become acquainted (with)
  4. to see, to visit, to explore (i.e., to get to know a place for the first time)
  5. to hear, to know (implies hearing for the first time)
  6. to discover, to get to or come to know, to learn about, to find out
  7. to know, to have known
  8. to know oneself
  9. to conceptualize or conceive


Dest bi hînbûna spanî bi learnfeliz .

Axaftin û ezberkirina " conocerlo " û gelek peyv û hevokên din di spanî de pratîk bikin.

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