


  1. To follow something in sequence or time.
  2. To replace or supplant someone in order vis-à-vis an office, position, or title.
  3. To come after or follow; to be subsequent or consequent; (often with to).
  4. To come in the place of another person, thing, or event; to come next in the usual, natural, or prescribed course of things; to follow; hence, to come next in the possession of anything; (often with to).
  5. To come in the place of another person, thing, or event; to come next in the usual, natural, or prescribed course of things; to follow; hence, to come next in the possession of anything; (often with to).
  6. To prevail in obtaining an intended objective or accomplishment; to prosper as a result or conclusion of a particular effort.
  7. To prosper or attain success and beneficial results in general.
  8. To turn out, fare, do (well or ill).
  9. To support; to prosper; to promote or give success to.
  10. To descend, as an estate or an heirloom, in the same family; to devolve; (often with to).
  11. (obsolete) To fall heir to; to inherit.
  12. (obsolete) To go down or near (with to).

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