Some people like warm weather, some people like cold weather. Here are some basic sentences so you can talk about the weather.
Roj 🌞 berfê dihelîne.
The sun melts the snow.
Îro rojeke ewrî ye.
Today is a cloudy day.
Baran hûrhûr dibare.
It is raining lightly.
Da ku me ji baranê biparêze.
To protect us from the rain.
Baran li bajêr dibare.
It is raining in the city.
Êzing malê germ dikin .
They warm the house.
Li hundir hewayeke fetisokî hebû.
There was a fantastic atmosphere inside.
Şevbêrk bi kêfxweşî dom dike.
The night continues happily.
Bihar bihûşta biçûka derewîne li ber cennetê.
Spring is a small false paradise in front of heaven.
Li ber dîwarê malê, li ber germahiya beroşkê rawestiya.
He stood in front of the wall of the house, in front of the warmth of the barn.