Northern Kurdish (Kurmancî) Back to Northern Kurdish (Kurmancî)


Letters and language

For language fanatics, let's learn something about other languages than the Northern Kurdish (Kurmancî) language.

Ji  bajarvaniyê  û  ragihandina teknolojiye nabe.

It does not depend on urbanism and communication technology.

Serxwebûnek  bi   ziman , destpêka serxwebûna  siyasî  ye.

Language independence is the beginning of political independence.

Karger komeleyeke  lêkolîn   û  pêşxistina  çand   û   ziman  bû.

Karger was a research and development association for culture and language.

Ji bo  pêşxistina  zimanê  îngilîzî çûbû mastir  dikir .

In order to improve the English language, he went to master it.

Çimkî   zimanê   me  şûnda maye  û   gelek   di  paşta xistinin.

Because our language is left behind and many have been pushed back.

Cejina  ku   ji   hemû  cejinan xweştir cejina  zimanê   kurdî  ye.

The festival that is the most beautiful of all festivals is the Kurdish language festival.

Ji   zimanê fransî di  dema Osmanîyan  de  derbasê  zimanê   kurdî  bûye.

From the French language, the Kurdish language was passed during the Ottoman period.

Zimanê   erebî  wekî  zimanê  îbranî ye.

The Arabic language is like the Hebrew language.