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Family is where life begins, and love never ends. So here is a collection specially created to address your family.

Dapîr  çi   ji  zarokan  re   dibêje ?

What does the grandmother say to the children?

Birayê  min   îro  çû welêt.

My brother went to the country today.

  nayê  komeleyê  ji ber ku  bavê   destûrê nade.

He does not come to the association because his father does not allow him.

Sigmund Freud wekî bavê derûnnasiya  kûr     zanîn .

Sigmund Freud is known as the father of depth psychology.

Dayîkeke  kurd  a  ji  rojavayê welêt.

A Kurdish mother from the west of the country.

Zirbavê  min   ji  malbateke kevin e;  ji  malbata Rweylot.

My grandmother is from an old family; from the Rweylot family.