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At the restaurant

I'm hungry! Let's order some food and get ourselves a drink.

Ji   xwe   re   li  xwarinê digeriyan.

They were looking for food for themselves.

Ava  qirêj venexwin.

Do not drink contaminated water.

çayê vedixwarin  û  galegal dikirin.

they were drinking tea and making galegaal.

Ferqa xwarinan tune  ji bo   her
 xwarinê dixwe.

There is no difference between foods for him, he eats every food.

Piştî rûviya  zirav   xwarin
    û  digiheje rûviya stûr.

After the small intestine, food comes and reaches the large intestine.

Di  îskana qirêj  de  avê venexwe.

Do not drink water in a polluted environment.

Keçikê    li ser  taştê rûnişti bû,taştêya  xwe  dixwar.

The girl was also sitting on the breakfast table, eating her breakfast.