Learn the names of various sports and activities in English.
He 👨 now plays beach soccer .
Ew niha soccer soccer dilîze.
In addition , the stadium 🏟️ has an exclusive parking 🅿️ inside for players and officials .
Wekî din, stadyûmê li hundurê lîstikvan û karbidestan parkek taybetî heye.
He 👨 represents Italy in elite international competitions .
Ew di pêşbaziyên navneteweyî yên Elite de Italytalya temsîl dike.
Midlothian Bulls won their seventh 7th league title .
Bullên Midlothian sernavê xwe ya heftemîn a heftemîn qezenc kir.
Donald Mackintosh was a professional shooter from Melbourne .
Donald Mackintosh ji Melbourne guleyek profesyonel bû.