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School is the place where you learn things and try not to fall asleep. Let's discover some sentences you might hear in school!

  library   was   also   established   at that   time
  and   other   minor   changes   were   made .

Di wê demê de pirtûkxane jî hate damezrandin û guhertinên din ên hindik hatin çêkirin.

The   principal   occupation however was   farming .

Di heman demê de dagirkeriya bingehîn bû, cotkar bû.

Jimei  University   is   structured   into   faculties   called   colleges   and   schools .

Zanîngeha Jimei di fakulteyên bi navê Kolêj û dibistanan de tête çêkirin.

Polk   Township   residents   may   also   use   the   Western  Pocono  Community   Library   situated   in  Brodheadsville.

Niştecîhên Township Polk jî dibe ku pirtûkxaneya civaka Pocono ya rojavayî li Brodheadsville bikar bînin.