Let's travel and see what happens when we hit the road.
Where are we going ?
Em li ku derê ne?
The ambulance 🚑 drove quickly to the hospital 🏥 .
Ambûlans zû li nexweşxaneyê ajot.
Divide and conquer .
Dabeşkirin û têkbirin.
The airplane ✈️ rose 🌹 gracefully into the sky .
Balafir bi kerema xwe li ezman rabû.
It won a number of contracts for hauling infrastructure trains .
Ew gelek peymanan ji bo trênên binesaziya birrînê qezenc kir.
Niklas Engelin was announced as his replacement for the tour .
Niklas Engelin wekî şûna wî ji bo geştiyarî hate ragihandin.
Judge 🧑⚖️ and mend the schism in the Theosophical Movement .
Li ser tevgera theosophîkî ya schîzmê dadbar bikin û bikin.
A directed graph consists of nodes and edges .
Grafikek ji nod û perdeyan pêk tê.