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Months of the Year

Here are some sentences to help you understand and memorize the months of the year.

Characters   in   games   may   refer   to   all   animals   as  " monsters ".

Karakterên di lîstikan de dibe ku hemî heywanan wekî "monsters" binihêrin.

These   systems   may   provide   an   option   to   hide   the   escape sequences .

Dibe ku ev pergal ji bo veşartina rêzikên revînê vebijarkek peyda bikin.

However perceived   social   support   may   be   directly   affected   by   the   severity   of   the   trauma .

Lêbelê, piştevaniya civakî ya têgihîştî dibe ku rasterast ji hêla giraniya travmayê ve were bandor kirin.

In   November Catherine   and  Edzard  left   for  Ostfriesland.

Di Mijdarê de, Catherine û Edzard ji bo Ostfriesland hiştin.

Polk   Township   residents   may   also   use   the   Western  Pocono  Community   Library   situated   in  Brodheadsville.

Niştecîhên Township Polk jî dibe ku pirtûkxaneya civaka Pocono ya rojavayî li Brodheadsville bikar bînin.