


third-person singular imperative of olmak

Con trattino come
Pronunciato come (IPA)

  1. to become, come to exist, come into being
  2. to happen, occur, be, take place, befall
  3. to be, to have or occupy a place or position, be located or situated at
  4. to have, own
  5. to pass, elapse, be
  6. to suffice, be acceptable, be all right, be okay
  7. to be possible, be apparently valid, be likely, be plausible
  8. to ripen, mature; (for food) to be cooked, be done
  9. to fit, suit
  10. to lose, be deprived of
  11. to have, undergo something, to be afflicted with, suffer from, experience something negative, to catch a disease


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