


third-person singular feminine past of zabrać

Con trattino come
♀️ Femminile
Pronunciato come (IPA)

  1. to take (grabbing with one's hands, to place somewhere)
  2. to take (to cease touching by moving one's hands)
  3. to take, to bring (to cause someone or something to be in a different place)
  4. to take (to cause someone to cease being somewhere)
  5. to take (to force someone to go somewhere, e.g. to the police)
  6. to take (to allow to join) [+ na (accusative) = on/for what]
  7. to take (to ensure that one has something with them when they depart) [+ z (instrumental) = with whom]
  8. to take, to take away (to deprive of materially) [+dative = from whom]
  9. to take, to take away (to deprive of non-materially) [+dative = from whom]
  10. to take, to take away, to carry away (i.e. of water, to destroy, upset, or move something)
  11. to take, to take away (to kill) [+dative = from whom]
  12. to take (to accept for transport as passengers or cargo)
  13. to take (to last a certain amount of time) [+dative = whom]
  14. (obsolete) to take on (to acquire a trait)
  15. to get to (to begin to do some activity) [+ do (genitive)] or (proscribed) [+ za (accusative) = to what]
  16. (colloquial) to take on (to begin to deal intensively with matters related to a specific person) [+ za (accusative) = whom]
  17. (colloquial) to leave (to go away from some place)
  18. to take oneself somewhere (to travel or stay somewhere) [+instrumental = with what]
  19. to take oneself somewhere (to join someone and go somewhere with them) [+instrumental = with what] [+ z (instrumental) = with whom]
  20. (colloquial) to come on, to make a pass (to attempt for a sexual relation with someone, typically in an unrefined manner) [+ do (genitive) = whom]
  21. to take drastic measures against someone or something
  22. (obsolete) to spread (to become more common)


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