


  1. bed, base, foundation, substratum, underlayer (layer underneath another) [+ pod (accusative) = to under what], [+ do (genitive) = for what]
  2. primer, undercoat (coat of paint or other material applied onto a surface before that of a topcoat) [+ pod (accusative) = to under what]
  3. foundation (cosmetic cream roughly skin-colored, designed to make the face appear uniform in color and texture)
  4. railroad tie, railway sleeper [+ pod (accusative) = to under what], [+genitive = of what]
  5. background music (music in a film, video game or other medium that establishes mood and is not meant to have the audience's focus) [+ do (genitive) = for what], [+genitive = of what]
  6. rootstock
  7. (obsolete) layer of manure in a cold frame upon which one spreads soil
  8. (obsolete) first ploughing
  9. (obsolete) map or graph used to ease the placement of elements on a map
  10. (obsolete) cushion, soft pad, pillow
  11. (obsolete) tree stamped for a beehive
  12. shabrack
  13. iron stand used to stack wood in a hearth
  14. base of a watermill

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