


  1. system (collection of organized things; whole composed of relationships among its members)
  2. system (set of devices and tools as a whole)
  3. system (set of body organs having a particular function)
  4. system (comprehensive and logically organized set of propositions or philosophical beliefs)
  5. system (method or way of organizing or planning)
  6. system (elites or government of a state)
  7. system (set of equations involving the same variables, which are to be solved simultaneously)
  8. system (set of hardware and software operating in a computer)
  9. formation (layer of rock of common origin)
  10. system (planetary system; a set of planets orbiting a star or star system)
  11. (obsolete) system (set of staves linked by a brace that indicate instruments or sounds that are to be played simultaneously)

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