


genitive plural of strona

♀️ Femminile
Pronunciato come (IPA)

  1. side (one of two faces of a sheet of paper; or, the content thereon)
  2. page (sheet of paper within a book, magazine, etc.)
  3. website
  4. side (one half (left or right, top or bottom, front or back, etc.) of something or someone)
  5. side (bounding straight edge of a two-dimensional shape)
  6. side; direction (region in a specified position with respect to something)
  7. direction (general trend for future action)
  8. side (group having a particular allegiance in a conflict or competition)
  9. party (person or group of people constituting a particular side in a contract or legal action)
  10. side (one possible aspect of a concept, person or thing)
  11. voice (particular way of inflecting or conjugating verbs, or a particular form of a verb, by means of which is indicated the relation of the subject of the verb to the action which the verb expresses)
  12. country; land; realm


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" Miejsce   to   było   ze   wszystkich   stron  okrążone sznurami  na   wysokości  metra."

"Questo posto era circondato da tutti i lati con cavi all'altezza della metropolitana."
