


genitive plural of krok

Con trattino come
♂️ Maschile
Pronunciato come (IPA)

  1. step (advance or movement made from one foot to the other; a pace)
  2. step (space passed over by one movement of the foot in walking or running)
  3. step, pace (gait; manner of walking)
  4. step (small space or distance) [+ od (genitive) = from something], [+ do (genitive) = to something]
  5. step (proceeding; measure; action; act)
  6. step (distinct part of a process; stage; phase)
  7. crotch (area in clothes where the area for legs are sewn)
  8. crotch (area in clothes where the area for legs are sewn)
  9. crotch, perineum
  10. step (Roman unit of length equal to five Roman feet)
  11. (obsolete) entry (ability to enter)
  12. feet
  13. trace, track, trail
  14. straddle (posture)
  15. loin cloth worn for decency


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"Dostrzegłem,  że   ślady   krwi   idą   równomiernie   ze   śladami   jego   kroków ."

"Ho notato che le tracce di sangue stavano seguendo uniformemente le tracce dei suoi passi."

  parę   kroków   przed   nami  zalśniła brylantowymi blaskami  laguna .

Circa pochi passi davanti a noi brillarono con il diamante Glow di Laguna.
