


  1. inflection of cerrar: ## third-person singular present indicative ## second-person singular imperative
  2. inflection of cerrar: ## third-person singular present indicative ## second-person singular imperative

Con trattino come
Pronunciato come (IPA)


  1. to close, to shut
  2. to shut down, to close down
  3. to turn off, to shut off (to rotate a tap or valve so as to interrupt the outflow of liquid or gas)
  4. to enclose
  5. to lock, to lock up
  6. to seal, to close (e.g. a deal, a breach, a rift)
  7. to close up, to close off (e.g. a wound)
  8. to close, to conclude, to end
  9. to close (itself) (e.g., a store, a door)
  10. to close off (oneself)


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