


  1. A period of time akin to the time taken for the Earth to undergo a full cycle of seasons.
  2. A period of time akin to the time taken for the Earth to undergo a full cycle of seasons.
  3. A period of time akin to the time taken for the Earth to undergo a full cycle of seasons.
  4. A period of time akin to the time taken for the Earth to undergo a full cycle of seasons.
  5. A period of time akin to the time taken for the Earth to undergo a full cycle of seasons.
  6. A period of time akin to the time taken for the Earth to undergo a full cycle of seasons.
  7. The time it takes for any astronomical object (such as a planet, dwarf planet, small Solar System body, or comet) in direct orbit around a star (such as the Sun) to make one revolution around the star.
  8. A period between set dates that mark a year, such as from January 1 to December 31 by the Gregorian calendar, from Tishri 1 to Elul 29 by the Jewish calendar, and from Muharram 1 to Dhu al-Hijjah 29 or 30 by the Islamic calendar.
  9. A scheduled part of a calendar year spent in a specific activity.
  10. A scheduled part of a calendar year spent in a specific activity.
  11. The proportion of a creature's lifespan equivalent to one year of an average human lifespan (see also dog year).

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The   national   tour   ended   the   following   year   as   his   management   costs   proved   too   expensive

Il tour nazionale si è concluso l'anno successivo poiché i suoi costi di gestione si sono rivelati troppo costosi.

For   computer
  use the   following   formulas   for   the   doomsday   of a   year   are   convenient .

Per l'uso del computer, le seguenti formule per il giorno del giudizio di un anno sono convenienti.

A few
  residents   live on  board   full-time   while   most   visit   periodically   throughout   the   year .

Alcuni residenti vivono a bordo a tempo pieno mentre la maggior parte visitano periodicamente durante tutto l'anno.
