


simple past and past participle of perform

Pronunciato come (IPA)


  1. To do (something); to execute.
  2. To exhibit an expected pattern of behavior; to function; to work.
  3. To exhibit an expected pattern of behavior; to function; to work.
  4. To act in a way set forth in a contract.
  5. To act in a way set forth in a contract.
  6. To do (something) in front of an audience, such as acting or music, often in order to entertain.
  7. To behave theatrically so as to give the impression of (a quality, character trait, etc.); to feign.
  8. Of a social actor, to behave in certain ways.
  9. Of a social actor, to behave in certain ways.


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Maintenance   tasks   such as   mowing   and   plowing   were   performed   by   the   city

Le attività di manutenzione come la falciatura e l'aratura sono state eseguite dalla città.
