


plural of governor


  1. The chief executive officer of a first-level administrative division of a country.
  2. A device which regulates or controls some action of a machine through automatic feedback.
  3. A member of a decision-making body (such as a committee) for a larger organization or entity (including some public agencies), similar to or equivalent to a board of directors (used especially for banks); a member of the board of governors.
  4. (informal) Father.
  5. (informal) Boss; employer; gaffer.
  6. (informal) Term of address to a man; guv'nor.
  7. A constituent of a phrase that governs another.
  8. One who has the care or guardianship of a young man; a tutor; a guardian.
  9. A pilot; a steersman.


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During   this   period   Governors   of   Victoria   lived   at  Stonington  mansion .

Durante questo periodo i governatori di Victoria vivevano a Stonington Mansion.
