


  1. third-person singular present of tun
  2. inflection of tun: ## second-person plural present ## plural imperative
  3. inflection of tun: ## second-person plural present ## plural imperative

Pronunciato come (IPA)


  1. To do (to perform or execute an action).
  2. To do something (positive or negative) to someone.
  3. To make a difference; to be different.
  4. (informal) To fake; to feign; to pretend.
  5. (colloquial) To put, to place, to add.
  6. (colloquial) To work, to function.
  7. (colloquial) Used with the preceding infinitive of another verb to emphasise this verb
  8. (colloquial) Used with the following infinitive of another verb, often to emphasise the statement
  9. (colloquial) Used in the past subjunctive with the infinitive of another verb to form the conditional tense (instead of standard würde)


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