


plural of Seite "pages/sides"

Pronunciato come (IPA)


  1. side (a bounding straight edge of a two-dimensional shape)
  2. face, side, surface of any three-dimensional object
  3. page (single leaf of any manuscript or book)
  4. side (one of the two surfaces of a sheet of paper)
  5. one side or half of something or someone
  6. a certain aspect of a concept
  7. side, faction or group of competitors in a war, game, conflict or any other competitive situation in opposite to their opponents
  8. face of a coin or dice
  9. website


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Die   verlustreiche   Schlacht   endete   unentschieden beide   Seiten  reklamierten  den   Sieg   für   sich .

La battaglia perduta si è conclusa con un pareggio, entrambe le parti hanno ottenuto la vittoria per se stesse.
